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Learn, Develop, and Maximize Your Natural Strengths. Phone Coaching-Consultation-Counseling with…


Mark Gorkin, “The Stress Doc” ™ is a motivational humorist,…


Develop Powerful Individuals, Leaders, and Teams With Our Workshops.


Learn, Develop, and Maximize Your Potential with Online Training from…


Hear the StressDoc share hard-won wisdom on stress, teamwork, leadership…

Books and Articles

  Best Practices: Articles, Essays & Shrink Raps ™ See…

Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a nationally acclaimed speaker, webinar expert, published author, and "Motivational Psychohumorist" ™, is a Stress Resilience, Grief, and Trauma Consultant for the International Employee Assistance Program CCA/New York City. A former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service, he has led numerous Pre-Deployment Stress Resilience-Humor-Team Building Retreats for the US Army. Presently Mark does Cross Cultural Facilitation and Presentations for organizational/corporate clients of HR Consulting Firm PRM, Washington, DC. The Doc has just published a magical new illustrated children's book, Where Is Charlotte? Mark is also the author of Practice Safe Stress: Healing and Laughing in the Face of Stress, Burnout & Depression, The Four Faces of Anger: Transforming Hostility and Rage into Assertion and Passion, Fierce Longing…Fiery Loss: Relearning to Let Go, Laugh & Love, and Preserving Human Touch in a High-Tech World: Writings, Raps & Rhymes. Finally, with his singular wit and wisdom, real world tools, and especially his surprising and engaging small group exercises, the Doc encourages participants to "go for it." Audiences develop skills and strategies for unleashing dynamic energy and reducing status barriers. One and all learn to purposely inspire, collaborate, and team with others. As SHRM and IPMA-HR Program Chairs noted, "Mark has a way of captivating an audience and makes them want to hear more...He challenges you to go for it…Take a passionate and creative ride with the Stress Doc!" For more info, email: or call 301-875-2567.

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