Practice Safe Stress: Combat Strategies at the Burnout Battlefront
In a 24/7 always on, TNT – Time-Numbers-Technology – Driven-Distracted World, filled with change and uncertainty, to build personal-professional resilience we must rapidly identify stress “smoke signals.” Also vital is understanding the individual and organizational characteristics that facilitate burnout, as well as the burnout battlefront stages. Then, let the Stress Doc’s “Get FIT” – FUN–Interactive-Thought-provoking – program provide tools for: a) Burnout Prevention/Recovery, b) Psychological Hardiness, and c) Natural SPEED. Interactive exercises will help you: 1) identify stress warning signs, 2) understand how to use grief work to overcome loss and change, 3) disarm unproductive power struggles, and 4) provide individual skills and team strategies for developing stress resilience, cognitive agility, and high task and human touch community.
Key Bullet Objectives:
- Testimonials
Developing Stress Resilience, Humor, and Passion Power: The Gift of Interactive Engagement; Human Resources Palm Beach County, FL (HRPBC; SHRM affiliate); Kickoff Speaker; 100 attendees; 1.25 hrs
Feb 27, 2014
Hello Mark.
HR Palm Beach County had the wonderful pleasure of having Mark Gorkin “The Stress Doc” present at one of our monthly dinner meetings. Mark’s presentation was both insightful and engaging. He has a way of captivating the audience and makes them want to hear more. We enjoyed his insights on the factors that cause stress and how to overcome them. We hope to hear more from “The Stress Doc”. It was definitely time well spent. We especially enjoyed his perspective of Passion and Power. Mark Gorkin is a must hear!
Tanya Vaughn-Patterson
HRPBC Program Chair
Diversity & Inclusion Consultant
Ofc: 561-694-4199
Trinity Lutheran Church/Stephen Ministry Program, N. Bethesda, MD; “Developing Stress Resilience through Humor: A Caregiver’s Playshop”; 1.5 hours
June 22, 2016
Hi Donna,
Thanks for bringing Mark to our Stephen Ministry Program. He was absolutely great and offered so many good ideas and coping mechanisms for stress. I am definitely interested in his E-book and in getting him back to Trinity…The timing you chose bringing Mark in for his talk was perfect.
Miriam, Director