Transforming Anger and Conflict into Collaborative Problem Solving:  The Stress Doc’s Four Faces of Anger – Model & Method


Today’s always on, TNT – Time-Numbers-Technology/Transition – Driven & Distracted World can breed tension and conflict. Discover the Four Angry “I”s and the Stress Doc’s “Four Faces of Anger” Model for transforming anger, rage, and conflict into productive dialogue and conflict resolution. Learn and practice skills and strategies for: 1) disarming power struggles by asking trust-building, “good questions” and 2) providing and receiving all kinds of feedback, even how to deal constructively with a critical aggressor. Understand the difference between “acknowledgement” and “agreement” and lyrically disarm or emotionally detach from “Yes, butters” and self-centered types. Use the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles Inventory to discover your style of conflict; and learn how to engage in collaborative conflict resolution. Learn how to appropriately and strategically use humor to disarm pressure packed situations.

Key Bullet Objectives:

Grasp “The Four Angry “I”s (anger triggers) and discover the Stress Doc’s “Four Faces of Anger Model”: whether anger is constructive or destructive, purposeful or spontaneous

Take an Assertiveness Assessment Test; identify your assertive “hot spots”

Grasp the difference between assertive “I”s and blaming “You” messages; recognize attributional bias and discover an IDEAL Model for disarming conflict

Engage in mind exercises that provide tools for disarming critical aggressors and “yes, butters”; understand the array of emotional responses or reactions to feedback




Sovereign Health Group/Treatment Centers, HQ’d in San Clemente, CA; 1-hour Webinar on “Four Faces of Anger: Model & Method for Disarming Aggression and Conflict; highest number of registrations i.e. 622, and highest engagement till date.

Here’s a “Four Faces of Anger” promo video of my upcoming, May 17th , webinar for the national Sovereign Health Group.  Sovereign Health has Mental Health and Addictions/Substance Abuse Treatment Centers across the US.To view the video promo – synergy between verbals and visuals – (“super awesone” according to a Sr. Marketing Executive), click on or paste this link immediately below


Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, Wash, DC; Transforming Anger and Conflict into Collaborative Problem-Solving; 1-hr; 35 administrators, supervisors, educators


[Email to Sharon Armstrong, PHR, CMF, Sharon Armstrong and Associates
202 – 333 – 0644;]

Yes, we were very happy. All employees and managers told me that the session was really good and fun. It was pleasure to work with Mark as he was very responsive. Thank you so much for your recommendation.

Have a nice week,

Solveiga Jaskunas
HR Generalist
Office   (202)797-4700, ext.226