Transforming Change and Conflict into Diverse-Inclusive-Collaborative Teaming: The Art of Resilience, Relating & Risk-Taking


In a 24/7, rapidly changing, always on, “do more with less” world, not surprisingly, individual stress and interpersonal tension can influence the organizational climate, communication, and coordination. The challenge becomes sustaining resilience and morale while forging cooperative and productive working relationships and partnerships. How does a team generate a “Helmet’s Off” atmosphere where meaningful issues can be identified and engaged in a collaborative spirit? Are you ready to challenge the old saw: “There’s no ‘I’ in team!” Can you disarm constructive power struggles that engage others while affirming your integrity; can you set appropriate boundaries while building trust? During these rapidly changing and turbulent times, let the Stress Doc help you break down barriers and build bridges toward greater team coordination and leadership-partnership learning systems.

Key Bullet Objectives:

  • Identify key barriers to “Diversity & Inclusion”: Race/Gender, Grade-Role-Status, Relationship-Building, Access, and Favoritism

  • Review the four stages of group dynamics: “Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing (or Conforming)”; discover tools and techniques for strengthening emotional intelligence

  • Explore and apply the “Five Stages of Courageous Resilience and Creative Risk-Taking; make connections to individual leadership, individual performance fears, and team performance

  • Discover the Doc’s 3-D – Discussion-Drawing-Diversity – Exercise; “take home” imaginative, morale-building, and collaborative problem-solving tools



Thiel College; 2 Hour Semester Kickoff for 120 Faculty and Staff, “Building Winning Teams: Blending Individual Creativity and Interactive Community”

Feb 9, 2014

Dear Mark,

I just wanted to write a sincere note of thanks for your recent program at Thiel College, “Building Winning Teams: Blending Individual Creativity and Interactive Community.”  The task force responsible for planning this event was delighted by the overwhelming amount of positive feedback we heard from our faculty and staff that participated.  The program was a lot of fun, and our employees benefited greatly from participating.  It was truly the perfect kick-off to a new semester, and we hope to bring you back in the near future.

Our participants especially appreciate how interactive the program was, and it was energizing to start the semester with so much laughter. We could not have imagined the program going any better.

I highly recommend The Stress Doc to any organizations looking for an exceptional motivational speaker, especially if they are hoping for a strong dose of humor!

Best Regards,

Mike McKinney ’02, Vice President of Student Life
THIEL COLLEGE I 75 College Avenue I Greenville, PA I 16125



13th Expeditionary (HQ) Support Command, Ft. Hood, TX, (Half-Day “Communications and Team Building” Predeployment/Offsite program and after dinner speech on “Motivational Humor” for 70 senior officers, senior sergeants and spouses)


Mark, Sorry it has taken me a week to get back to you…one of those weeks…we will definitely look into seeing how we can get you into theater to experience the “combat” side of definitely were instrumental in setting the stage for our conference and achieved more than I could have ever expected with respect to building our Team…as you saw, we are a unique organization consisting of Soldiers in the Active, Reserve and National Guard who generally don’t have the opportunity to get together until we meet in theater…….the exercises you provided during the seminar and the excellent dinner session really hit the mark, and provided us with some very useful concepts/tools as we continue to do the spade work in building an effective Team….in an organization like this, that is a never ending task…thanks again for making time for us….you provided a wonderful service and laid the foundation—definitely consider you a valued member of the 13th..will definitely stay in touch and yell if–when:) we need some more from the Stress Doc!!!


Wentz, Paul BG (Brigadier General) MIL USA FORSCOM
13th Expeditionary (HQ) Support Command, Ft. Hood, TX



15th Sustainment Brigade, 1st Cavalry, Ft. Hood, TX
[Stress, Change and Team-Building Program for 40 Officers and Spouses]

From: Phelps, Lawrence COL MIL USA FORSCOM <>
Sent: Mon, 28 Jul 2008
Subject: Thanks Mark!


What a great program you engineered at our Command Offsite!  It could not have been better if we had orchestrated it!  Your session on managing change and stress was the perfect lead-in to the work we had to accomplish throughout the conference.  It set the conditions for the free, uninhibited work (regardless of rank) that we needed.  Our “drawing” exercise was absolutely enlightening.  I cannot tell you how valuable it was to me as the “CEO” to see these products and see how the differing sections and commands worked together.  The spouses loved the briefing and the interaction just as much as the uniformed members did.

Here’s the BLUF: Your session was the critical building block on which we built the rest of the conference.

My sincere thanks.  Job well done.

COL Phelps

COL Larry Phelps
Commander, 15th SB
Every Day…Better!